The Badass Sermon of the Week: Courage

Uncategorized Nov 11, 2020

Got Courage?

Why you're still depressed, unhappy and anxious as shit:

Ya wanna know the reason you’re still depressed?


You’re chicken shit.

Well thanks–that’s compassionate and caring of you.

You’re welcome.  I’m not the fucking Dalai Lama.

I noticed…. That’s all you got? I’m chicken-shit?

Yes, to quote Albert Einstein: “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.” You’re too chicken shit to try new thinking, so you remain depressed.

Hey fuck you… I’ve tried all sorts of-

What!? Drugs and therapy. Yawn.

Damn you’re hostile today.

Yes, I’m hostile. Shouldn’t you be also?  I mean shouldn’t you -by now- be really fucking pissed off about this predicament you’re in? You’ve tried all the conventional methods to rid yourself of depression– pharmaceuticals, talk therapy, change of diet, exercise and maybe even some St. Johns Wart.  And none of it, I mean zip-zero-nada of it, has made a shit bit of difference. Right?  Sure, the Prozac or Zoloft worked for a little while and the diet/exercise made you feel better, but that gnawing, unsettling, out-of-place, wrong planet, shitty-fucking feeling persists– does it not!?

(You sigh) Yes.

Alright then. There’s some honesty. So fucking get mad and start thinking outside the box you’re in–and more importantly, do something about it.

Sure thing asshole. So what are these “new thoughts” I’m supposed to be thinking?

I’m willing to be an asshole, if it means it helps you to get unstuck from your depression.

The new thoughts are this:

Actually, hold up.

Brakes on. Pull over. Stop the Jeep.

I want your complete attention.

This is good right here.

Do I have it?

Reluctantly- Yes.

Good enough.

Here it is: Your depression is not a bad thing. It is a good thing. It is the universe knocking on your door, beckoning to you to wake the fuck up.  It’s like a butterfly trapped in the cocoon. It’s dark, cramped, hot and uncomfortable in there.  Of course you’re depressed. Duh!? It’s a legit 100% natural response.   So, stop trying to drug or cut your depression. That bullshit provides temporary relief but it won’t get rid of it permanently. 

Am I making sense?

Uh, yeah. I guess.

Until we start viewing depression as legitimate and natural it ain’t going away.  It’s going to linger until we get the message: Wake the fuck up.

Wake up– to what?

To your truest spiritual badass nature of course.

Which is …?

Really?  I have to spell it out for you again?  Here’s the formula: Attention + Awareness + Mindfulness + Presence  =  Spiritual Badass.

Then what?

Then your depression transforms, opens up and flies away.

Like the chrysalis into the butterfly?


Yes. That is some radical thinking.

You’re welcome.

Now …

Find the courage & Do… 


About it.

That’s the badass sermon of the day.


J. Stewart

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